The popularity of platform games is growing quite rapidly and this is why games like Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project is still relevant. Players will be able to unlock the next levels in the game by completing the previous level. Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project is spread across eight chapters and each chapter has three subparts. Players are also able to zoom in and out focusing either on the enemy approaching or the overall view of the field. The game allows players to move the camera both on the x-axis and y-axis. All the characters and levels in the game are three-dimensional. The game Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project is built using a 3D engine which is popularly known as Prism3D. Some of the animals used to experiment in the game are pigs, alligators, and cockroaches. The main aim of the main character in the game is to fight against Mech Morphix who is a mad scientist who is using a radioactive slime dubbed G.L.O.P.P also known as Gluon Liquid Omega Phased Plasma to be able to metamorphose creatures into monsters to take over places like Manhattan Island and New York. Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project features Duke Nukem who is humorously chauvinistic. Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project was first released on 14th May 2002.