It was produced in two plate sizes (9x12 and 10x15, the latter for panorama and stereo imagery) and offered in a wide variety of lens combinations. Tourists liked the camera because it was quite compact when folded, provided a horizontal format suitable for landscapes and group photographs, and it was made of light metal. A Teletubus with 2½× magnification can be mounted inside the unfolded camera. Ĭommon to all Alpin cameras is a cast aluminium body with a heavy folding bed, double- and later triple-extension bellows, and a single focussing wheel at the photographer's right. Ĭonceptually, the Alpin is a further development of the Metall-Heliar-Kamera, a 180mm horizontal folding bed plate camera with a cast aluminium body and fitted with a focal plane shutter (introduced in 1903 and built until 1920). The Alpin are horizontal folding bed plate cameras made by Voigtländer (Braunschweig/Germany) from 1907 to 1928. Alpin 9x12cm with Kollinear III f/6.8 132mm